10 February 2011

Why Blog?

It started with Jonny O creating a blog to share and work through his thoughts and feelings about coming into a poly relationship.  What is poly? What are the rules (if any)?  My journey through poly and into this poly family is of course quite different than his.  That's a different post and it will come later.

For this one, I just need to answer the main question: Why Blog?

There are a lot of good resources about poly, but there is always something lacking it seems.  Few are willing or able to share their entire story except in very guarded circumstances.  There are valid reasons for this secrecy (and a few that I don't personally feel are valid.)  My personal hope is to be honest in sharing my thoughts on our current circumstance so that others can learn from the successes and failures that we encounter.

I will sometimes reference other poly families that I have known or been some part of in the past.  I have some real life context even though my family members are both quite new to the experience.  I don't intend to get any more personal that necessary, nor will I be using any full names.  This is the internet after all and you never know where information will end up traveling.

I am going to limit this to myself and my experience.  There will likely be some explanation in order to put things in context, but if you want to know more visit the other blogs.

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