21 February 2011

Journey - This Year Part 2

Well, the first set of roommates (a gay couple) didn't work out as we had hoped.  They were not ready to move from the comfort of living at one if their parents' house.  The move-out was completely amicable and we are all still friends.  Next enters onto the scene "he who shall not be named."  We will refer to him as "D" for easy reference, and you will come to understand why we choose not to name him.  He needed a place and we had a room, so he moved in. 

D rapidly developed feelings for Foxie, who didn't really feel the same.  We discussed that even if the feelings weren't completely reciprocal it didn't prevent exploring those feelings that were there.  We discussed poly and openness.  D, unfortunately, was not the best at communicating which became a serious problem eventually.

While Foxie and D were still working to figure out where they stood, I met someone online.  This introduced the man who has become our other-significant-other.  Jonny and I finally met when the stars and schedules permitted.  We found a friendship there, but Foxie found a lot more and deeper feelings for Jonny.  This became the beginning of a lasting relationship, although in the beginning it was just friends having fun together.  They were totally saccharine when they were together, and I was completely compersive about the whole turn of events. When it became obvious that the "disney chemicals" were in full force I told them that I could keep a distance while they enjoyed this new experience.

D on the other hand went totally nuts with jealousy and feelings of being replaced.  Replaced?  There wasn't very much there to replace, and we tried talking it all through with him.  We opened lines of communication and he shut down.  I tried coaxing him into talking about his feelings.  We both seriously tried.  D on the other hand stopped being around, stopped talking and eventually started moving his things.  We asked if he was moving out, and he lied.  When it became obvious that he was actually moving, I asked him if he planned on paying rent.  He wasn't, he didn't and it ended badly.

That was "he who shall not be named."

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