Okay, so now I can bring you up-to-speed on current events and what is shaping my current poly relationship.
The spell that I cast had some rather immediate success. I didn't cast for anything baneful or manipulative and I didn't have a particular target in mind, so I was in a pretty good place to cast a spell to bring love into my life. I had begun tentatively reaching out for something more than just sex, and I was still looking for sex, of course.
That's when I made first contact with Foxie. I was interested in the fact that he was very open about being pagan more than anything else (though there were other factors.) We texted a few times, and then talked on the phone. I found some of his manner a little off-putting at first, so I took my time calling back. When I called again, he remembered everything we had talked about. It was like we had talked just an hour before. We texted off and on for a few more weeks, talked a few more times, and finally met in person. Wow! That was my initial reaction. We talked about paganism and magic and life and love and and and. We discovered very early that we had come to nearly the same conclusions about many things regarding religion in general, and paganism specifically.
After meeting Foxie, I quickly began to have some deep feelings. For me, the feelings bypassed the whole "disney chemicals" stage and set in with a deep and abiding feeling of connection. The feelings are compatible in a complex way. We started out as very good friends and magical partners. The magical partnership has continued to be the hallmark of our relationship.
Circumstances converged on us, and it was the best option for us to move in together a little bit sooner than either of us would have preferred. We moved into a tiny house with a couple of roommates on the 1st of August.
We had already discussed polyamory. (I introduced the idea.) We knew that there were certain incompatibilities but had talked about finding more fulfillment by continuing to date other people while letting our relationship grow. It has been a great foundation so far, and though we have had some conflicts and issues, we have always been able to communicate our way through them.
Sounds to me like you had a connection of some type in a previous life. May this relationship continue to strengthen and bring joy to you both in your journey of life. ::hugs::!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the good wishes. ::hug back:: Yes, the previous life option is one that I have considered; reincarnation/rebirth/recycling are part of my worldview. I am not going to trouble myself with trying to discern exactly when or where, but it seems like a possibility.